Escaping into a Parisian Oasis: Discovering the Hidden Gardens of Luxury Hotels in Paris

Escaping into a Parisian Oasis: Discovering the Hidden Gardens of Luxury Hotels in Paris

Hello, dear luxury travelers! Who's in for a refreshing garden-themed exploration in the city of love? Fill your champagne flutes, fasten your Louis Vuitton belts, and let’s dig in!

A Breath of Fresh Air Among the Icons

Thought you knew Paris, huh? Sure, you've seen Notre Dame, the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower! But are you aware of the secret gardens encased in heart of Paris's luxury hotels? These green havens are a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively.

Unique Garden Designs

Every garden has a unique layout, each one reflecting the elegant personalities of these extravagant hotels. Some offer intimate alcoves hidden by tropical foliage, others feature immaculate trimmed hedges simulating Versailles's grandiosity, not unlike Marie Antoinette’s elaborate coiffure!

Personalized Garden Experiences

Can you imagine having breakfast with fresh croissants amidst lush greenery? Every experience in these gardens is designed to cater to their clientele's high-end desires - from morning yoga sessions to exclusive dining experiences.

Hosting Extravagant Events

In these gardens, magnificence is constantly at play! They've been the backdrop for extravagant parties, seen star-studded attendees, and have been the stage for royal rendezvous. It's the who's who of Paris, gathered under the stars.

An Eco-friendly Retreat

Here’s a twist for you! These luxurious hotels are also having a 'green' moment. By maintaining these gardens, they challenge the concrete jungle, and provide eco-friendly retreats for the Parisian birds, butterflies, and, occasionally high-heeled guests who may find their Louboutins turned gardening tools as they traverse the lawns!


1. 'The Luxurious Eco Guide to Paris', The Eco Edit. 2. 'Paris' Historic Luxury Hotels, a Room with a Point of View', The New York Times.