Living it Up in Paris: Top 8 Designer Hotel Bars that Wow

A Night at the Bar Isn't Just for Average Joes

Welcome aboard! If you’re reading our blog, we know you're not your average Joe. You're a traveler with panache, a connoisseur of good times, and a fan of the finer things. And let's face it, who doesn’t love slipping into a designer outfit and settling down at an upscale bar for a night of conversation, cocktails, and captivating views? Sound like you? Well, Paris is calling. It’s time to raise your glass and toast to the world of designer luxury hotel bars in the City of Lights!

A Tour of Tipsy Paris - Designer Style!

Paris boasts some of the top designer hotel bars around the globe, and we are here to shed light on these big-league players – salut to that!

1. The Ritz Bar

Starting off with a bang (or maybe a pop!), The Ritz Bar, situated in the iconic Ritz Paris, is the epitome of luxury. After all, Coco Chanel herself set up residence here. If it's good enough for Coco, it's high time we gave it a shot (pun intended!).

2. Bar Hemingway

While we’re on the subject of The Ritz, let's not forget Bar Hemingway. Named after the famous novelist Ernest Hemingway, this bar has sure lived up to its namesake's boon of creativity - the cocktail list is nothing short of a narrative masterpiece!

3. Le Meurice Alain Ducasse

Le Meurice Alain Ducasse - say that five times fast after a few cocktails! Just kidding. Play safe, dear reader! This bar inside Le Meurice hotel boasts unwavering elegance and outstanding cocktails. What's not to love?

4. The Mandarin Oriental

When it comes to the Mandarin Oriental Bar 8, 'oriental' is the keyword. This bar is so relaxing you might be tempted to meditate, but don't, there are cocktails to finish!

5. Le Bar du Plaza Athénée

Le Bar du Plaza Athénée pays homage to fashion with its chic, modern design. It's so stylish you might feel underdressed - but hey, you're in Paris, own it!

6. Les Ambassadeurs of Hôtel de Crillon

Les Ambassadeurs, located in the historic Hôtel de Crillon, prides itself on being an ambassador of French art-de-vivre. Raise a glass, or two, to the unique charm and elegance of Paris.

7. L'Oiseau Blanc at The Peninsula

Get ready to soar at L'Oiseau Blanc, nestled atop The Peninsula Paris. Here you'll find some of the city's most stunning views, and of course, elite signature cocktails.

8. Le Bar Long at The Royal Monceau

End your designer bar crawl at Le Bar Long at The Royal Monceau. Long night? Long bar. It goes hand in hand, right?

With a list this flirtatious with decadence, designing your Parisian nights just got a whole lot easier. Sprinkle these designer bars into your Paris itinerary, and we guarantee you an expedience that’s Oh! so Paris.